Big Science

Big Science

Science is evolving every day, so do our systems and technologies.

High precision and stability

The scientific field requires precision which contributes to the validity of the experiments conducted. That includes the power supply and the radio frequency amplifiers. This is why we provide very high precision and very stable power systems and high power RF amplifiers designed with the most advanced technologies.

Excellence for physics

Equipment used in the field of Science require heavy investments and highly technological advancements to be able to reach the scientific research objectives. R&D team at JEMA is there to make sure technical specifications given by researchers match with the power supply system we provide, using the latest technology.

Evolve with your needs

Through constant interactions with customers, scientists and laboratories, we made our technologies and products evolve over this period to continuously guarantee the most up-to-date solution to these scientific needs.

Years of experience

In the scope of Big Science, JEMA provides specific and tailored power supplies for any type of laboratory or research field, all over the world. Such power supplies have to be specifically adapted to the very stringent requirements of the scientific field it supports, such as :

  • Precision in the current
  • Stability of this current (for the experiments requirements)
  • High power

JEMA also provides radio frequency amplifiers answering specific needs in:

  • Linearity
  • Stability of the gain
  • High power
  • High Efficiency 

Need a tailored power supply?

Let's discuss it!


Particle accelerators

We provide power supplies with extreme precision and stability, for all types of particle accelerators, and all types of requirements: beam lines, main coils, ion sources, magnets, all sections of the power chain, etc.

More about it

Laboratory equipment

We have developed standard standalone modules that can be easily integrated into a 19” rack. Their modularity is ideal for laboratory applications: the rear interface fits a highly versatile combination of 18 different power output, to make up to 400V or 400 A.

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