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The right treatment or diagnostic requires a perfect medical equipment. We offer the most precise, adequate and reliable power supplies to reach this goal.

Reliability, stability and precision

Everything in the medical environment is mission critical, this is also true for power supply. This is why we provide high reliability, stability and precision power supply. To achieve this, each solution is designed and dimensioned according to the customer’s requirements and specific applications.

Medical market is very demanding and complex, especially as we deal with people health. Therefore, our systems include specific features for uptime, durability and maintainability.

Years of experience

We have more than 40 years of experience, designing power supplies, manufacturing, and supporting critical and very precise power supplies. You can count on our expertise and know-how to fulfill your requirements and provide solutions evolving with your needs.Jema employee with cabinet


Proton therapy

Used in radio-oncology, our power supplies are used to power the particle accelerators and their subsystems, as well as the various magnets of the proton therapy beam line.

IBA - Medical

Radio-isotopes production

Medical diagnostics with PET scans require radioisotopes produced in cyclotrons. JEMA is providing all types of power supplies for these particle accelerators as well as the beam lines for critical radiopharmacy production equipment.

Radio isotopes - IBA

We are proud to equip several hundreds of cyclotrons in a wide range of power (from a few MeV to 70+MeV) all around the world.

Medical device sterilization

Technologies such as Electron-beam (E-beam) and X-ray sterilization require very specific electron accelerators. JEMA’s high voltage and high power controlled systems power the particle accelerator, the magnets of beam line bending and the scanning of the beam.

Medical Sterilization

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