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Customized power supplies for FRIB

Case Study - MSU - Picture
Facility for Rare Isotope Beams (FRIB) Big Science High-power superconducting linear accelerator for conducting rare isotope experiments Two types of customized power supplies: superconducting magnet four quadrants modular power supplies and resistive magnet power supplies


Studies and discoveries in nuclear physics are made every day to understand the nuclear structure, the origin of the elements in the cosmos and the forces that shaped the evolution of the universe. In this context, Michigan State University (MSU) establishes and operates the Facility for Rare Isotope Beams (FRIB) as a user facility for the Office of Nuclear Physics in the U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science (DOE-SC). As mentioned in its name, this infrastructure aims at making discoveries and research about rare isotopes that are not normally found on Earth. To recreate this environment, a high-power superconducting linear accelerator for conducting rare isotope experiments was built.

FRIB requirements

Magnets in particle accelerators are critical, and so are the magnet power supplies. MSU was looking for a reliable partner able to provide large quantities and very specific power supplies for the superconducting magnets.

Solution provided

Jema has designed, developed and manufactured custom solutions for each power supply, depending on the use and the magnet specifications. Our solutions also manage the discharges and quenches to prevent any damages to the superconducting magnet via energy management.

During the last 7 years, more than 450 power supplies have been produced and delivered. There are two main types of power supplies:

  • Superconducting magnet four quadrants modular power supplies, mainly in 6V but in different currents going from 20A up to 1250A with a range of stability classes from 20 ppm for dipole magnets to 500 ppm for solenoid magnets
  • Resistive magnet power supplies in 100V/360A and in 130V/275A

MSU FRIB - Power Supplies

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Why they chose us?

FRIB had previously worked with Jema and was satisfied with our power supplies. A relationship of trust was therefore already established. Moreover, we provided a new and innovative topology to answer their specific needs: IGBT switching power supplies rather than linear power supplies. It has significative impacts:

  • Greater compactness
  • Higher overall efficiency of the entire installation
  • Modularity of the technical solution: saving time in the event of a breakdown, ease of testing and integration
  • Better performance

The customer is satisfied with the specifications of our solutions but also with the reactivity of the team when needed. FRIB also appreciates our project follow-up and regular feedback.

What’s for the future?

The construction of FRIB was initiated in 2014 and is expected to be completed by 2022. Until now, 450 power supplies have been delivered to FRIB and the production is still going on. At Jema, our projects don’t stop after the delivery but continue during the lifetime of our solutions. That’s why we will have regular contact with FRIB during the following years.
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